# Load packages which form part of the Python 2.7 core
import pickle
import multiprocessing
import math
import logging
# Load packages which are a part of GeometricMD
from geometricmd.animation import write_xyz_animation
from geometricmd.geometry import convert_vector_to_atoms
from geometricmd.curve_shorten import generate_points, get_rotation, length
# Load additional packages and check if they are installed
import ase
except ImportError as e:
print 'Atomistic Simulation Environment is not installed. Try to run *pip install python-ase*.'
import numpy as np
except ImportError as e:
print 'NumPy is not installed. Try to run *pip install numpy*.'
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b, check_grad
except ImportError as e:
print 'SciPy is not installed. Try to run *pip install scipy*.'
[docs]def find_geodesic_midpoint(start_point, end_point, start_cell, end_cell, number_of_inner_points, dimension, mass_matrix,
molecule, energy, node_number, length_function, W, pressure):
""" This function computes the local geodesic curve joining start_point to end_point using the L-BFGS method.
start_point (numpy.array) :
The first end point of the curve.
end_point (numpy.array) :
The last end point of the curve.
start_cell (numpy.array) :
The first cell of the curve.
end_cell (numpy.array) :
The last cell of the curve.
number_of_inner_points (int) :
The number of nodes along the curve, less the end points.
dimension (int) :
The dimension of the problem. Computed from the atomistic simulation environment.
mass_matrix (numpy.array) :
A diagonal NumPy array containing the masses of the molecular system as computed in the SimulationClient
molecule (ase.atoms) :
The ASE atoms object corresponding to the molecule being simulated.
energy (float) :
The total energy of the system.
node_number (int) :
The node number for which we are calculating a new position for.
length_function (func) :
A Python function that estimates the length of a curve and also returns it's gradient.
W (float) :
A parameter for NPT simulations, used to define how mobile the unit cell is.
pressure (float) :
The constant pressure for the simulation.
int :
The node number for which the returned midpoint corresponds to.
numpy.array :
The midpoint along the approximate local geodesic curve.
numpy.array :
The midpoint cell along the approximate local geodesic curve.
# Define a function that returns sqrt(2(E-V)) and it's gradient based on a given configuration
def metric(point):
# Update molecular configuration based on given configuration
# Compute -grad(V)
minus_grad_V = molecule.get_forces().flatten()
# Extract cell information from the point
cell = np.reshape(convert_vector_to_atoms(point[-9:]), (3, 3))
# Compute the cell volume scaled by pressure
cell_volume = pressure * abs(np.linalg.det(cell))
# Compute gradient of the volume
grad_cell_volume = -cell_volume * np.linalg.inv(cell).transpose().flatten()
# Update the molecule's cell
# Evaluate the value of sqrt(2(E-V)), replacing E-V with 1E-9 if V > E.
cf = math.sqrt(max([2*(energy - molecule.get_potential_energy() - cell_volume), 1E-9]))
return [cf, np.hstack((minus_grad_V, grad_cell_volume))/cf]
# Determine a start and end configuration, incorporating the cell
start = np.hstack((start_point, start_cell.flatten()))
end = np.hstack((end_point, end_cell.flatten()))
# Obtain the transformation from dimension dimensional space to the tangent space of the line
# joining start_point to end_point.
Q = get_rotation(start, end, dimension + 9)
# Compute a new mass matrix, accommodating the additional cell information
mass_matrix = np.vstack((np.hstack((mass_matrix, np.zeros((dimension, 9)))),
np.hstack((np.zeros((9, dimension)), np.diag(np.asarray([W] * 9))))))
# Perform L-BFGS optimisation on length_function, returning a new geodesic midpoint
geodesic, f_min, detail = fmin_l_bfgs_b(func=length_function,
# If something went wrong with the L-BFGS algorithm print an error message for the end user
if detail['warnflag'] != 0:
print 'BFGS Warning:' + detail['task']
# Convert the obtained geodesic from it's shift description to the full point description
points = np.reshape(generate_points(geodesic, start, end, Q, number_of_inner_points+2, dimension+8),
(number_of_inner_points+2, dimension+9))
# Compute the midpoint and corresponding cell
if number_of_inner_points % 2 == 1:
# If there is an odd number of inner points then return the middle element of the array
midpoint = points[(number_of_inner_points + 1) / 2][:-9]
midpoint_cell = np.reshape(points[(number_of_inner_points + 1) / 2][-9:], (3, 3))
# If there is an even number of inner points return the midpoint of the two middle points - this prevents
# artificial movement of the curve due to the algorithm.
midpoint = 0.5 * (points[number_of_inner_points / 2] + points[(number_of_inner_points / 2) + 1])[:-9]
midpoint_cell = np.reshape(0.5 * (points[number_of_inner_points / 2] +
points[(number_of_inner_points / 2) + 1])[-9:], (3, 3))
# Return the node number and new midpoint
return [node_number, midpoint, midpoint_cell]
[docs]def compute_trajectory(trajectory, local_num_nodes, energy, tol, filename, configuration, length_function=length,
W=1.0, pressure=1.0):
""" This function updates the trajectory object positions to represent the shortest curve.
trajectory (curve) :
A GeometricMD curve object describing the initial trajectory between start and end configurations.
local_num_nodes (int) :
The number of points to use when computing the local geodesics.
energy (float) :
The total energy of the system.
tol (float) :
The tolerance by which if the total curve movement falls below this number then the Birkhoff method stops.
filename (str) :
The filename for the output files from the simulation.
configuration (dict) :
A dictionary containing additional parameters for the simulation. Accepts: 'processes' - the number of
processors to use (defaults to 1), 'write_to_log' - a boolean value, if true writes to a logfile, otherwise prints to console (defaults to False) and 'save_every' - an integer indicating the program will save after every 'save_every'th iteration of the Birkhoff algorithm (defaults to 1).
length_function (optional, func) :
A Python function that approximates the length of a curve.
W (optional, float) :
A parameter for NPT simulations, used to define how mobile the unit cell is.
pressure (optional, float) :
The constant pressure for the simulation.
# Extract a copy of the ASE atoms object to determine forces
molecule = trajectory.configuration['molecule']
# Determine the dimension of the Hamiltonian system
dimension = len(trajectory.get_points()[0])
# Compute the mass matrix for the Hamiltonian system
mass_matrix = np.diag(np.dstack((molecule.get_masses(),) * (dimension /
# Set counter for saving
i = 0
# Attempt to extract additional parameters, otherwise set default behaviours
processes = configuration['processes']
except KeyError:
processes = 1
write_to_log = configuration['write_to_log']
except KeyError:
write_to_log = False
save_frequency = configuration['save_every']
except KeyError:
save_frequency = 1
# Initialise logging based on whether the user indicated whether they would like it printing to stout or not.
if write_to_log:
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', filename='out/'+filename+'.log', level=logging.INFO)
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# If the user intends to use the algorithm on one core then...
if processes == 1:
# Main loop of the Birkhoff algorithm, continues until curve.movement < tol then breaks out
while True:
# Iterating over each node in the trajectory find a new position based on the geodesic midpoint
# joining it's neighbours
for node_number in trajectory:
result = find_geodesic_midpoint(trajectory.points[node_number - 1],
trajectory.points[node_number + 1],
trajectory.cells[node_number - 1],
trajectory.cells[node_number + 1],
trajectory.set_node_position(node_number, result[1], result[2])
# Once all the nodes in the curve have been tested, print the node movement
logging.info('Curve Movement: ' + str(trajectory.movement))
# If the required save frequency has passed then have both a pickle of the current curve object and
# write out the animation.
if i % save_frequency == 0:
pickle.dump(trajectory, open(filename+'.pkl', "wb"))
# If the movement of the curve is below the tol threshold then exit the main loop
if trajectory.movement < tol:
# Indicate that the next iteration is to be completed
# Otherwise the user has indicated they would like to perform a parallel computation...
# Create a callback function that updates the node position once it is calculated
def update_curve(result):
trajectory.set_node_position(result[0], result[1], result[2])
# Create a pool of worker processes to work in parallel
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes)
# Main loop of the Birkhoff algorithm, continues until curve.movement < tol then breaks out
while True:
# Iterating over each node in the trajectory create a task to find a new position based on the
# geodesic midpoint joining it's neighbours. Add this task to the pool queue.
for node_number in trajectory:
args=(trajectory.points[node_number - 1], trajectory.points[node_number + 1],
trajectory.cells[node_number - 1], trajectory.cells[node_number + 1], local_num_nodes,
dimension, mass_matrix, molecule, energy, node_number, length_function, W, pressure,),
# If all the nodes in the trajectory have been moved...
if trajectory.all_nodes_moved():
# Once all the nodes in the curve have been tested, print the node movement
logging.info('Curve Movement: ' + str(trajectory.movement))
# If the required save frequency has passed then have both a pickle of the current curve object and
# write out the animation.
if i % save_frequency == 0:
pickle.dump(trajectory, open(filename+'.pkl', "wb"))
# If the movement of the curve is below the tol threshold then exit the main loop
if trajectory.movement < tol:
# Indicate that the next iteration is to be completed
# Once the algorithm has executed close the pool