=========== GeometricMD =========== What is this project for? ========================= GeometricMD is an implementation of the Birkhoff curve shortening procedure using a technique devised by Schwetlick-Zimmer to compute local geodesics. It is currently implemented in Python using multiprocessing to distribute the computing. How do I get set up? ===================== Either use PIP with package name 'geometricmd' or run 'python setup.py install' after downloading the package from GitHub (suttond/GeometricMD). Who do I talk to? ================== * For questions about the project please contact Daniel Sutton (sutton.c.daniel@gmail.com) * For scientific queries please contact Johannes Zimmer (zimmer@maths.bath.ac.uk) Package Contents ================= Utilities ---------- .. toctree:: animation Aperiodic Systems ------------------ .. toctree:: curve_shorten geometry Periodic Systems ------------------ .. toctree:: curve_shorten_pbc geometry_pbc Tutorials ----------- .. toctree:: butane_tutorial Indices and tables ==================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`