# Load packages which form part of the Python 2.7 core
import multiprocessing
import math
# Load additional packages and check if they are installed
import numpy as np
except ImportError as e:
print 'NumPy is not installed. Try to run *pip install numpy*.'
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b, check_grad
from scipy.linalg import orth
except ImportError as e:
print 'SciPy is not installed. Try to run *pip install scipy*.'
[docs]def generate_points(x, start_point, end_point, rotation_matrix, total_number_of_points, co_dimension):
""" This function computes the local geodesic curve joining start_point to end_point using the L-BFGS method.
x (numpy.array) :
Array of vectors in co-dimension dimensional space, stacked flat. This vector characterises points of the
curve as translations from the line joining start_point to end_point.
start_point (numpy.array) :
The first end point of the curve.
end_point (numpy.array) :
The last end point of the curve.
rotation_matrix (numpy.array) :
A numpy.array describing the rotation from co_dimension + 1 dimensional space to the tangent space of the line
joining start_point to end_point.
total_number_of_points (int):
The total number of points used in the local geodesic computation, including endpoints.
co_dimension (int):
The dimension of the configuration space, less one.
numpy.array :
The midpoint along the approximate local geodesic curve.
# Compute tangent direction of line joining start and end points
tangent = np.subtract(end_point, start_point)/(total_number_of_points-1)
# Initialise list to store points
points = []
# Generate points that are uniformly distributed along the initial line
for i in xrange(total_number_of_points):
points.append(np.add(start_point, float(i)*tangent))
# Shift the points as encoded in x
for i in xrange(0, len(x)/co_dimension):
# Embed vector i into co_dimension + 1 dimensional space
unrotated_shift = np.hstack((np.zeros(1), x[i*co_dimension:(i+1)*co_dimension]))
# Convert vector, by rotation, from shift from e_1 basis direction to shift from tangent direction
shift = rotation_matrix.dot(unrotated_shift)
# Append point to list
points[i+1] = np.add(points[i+1], shift)
return points
[docs]def compute_metric(points, metric_function):
""" Takes a list of NumPy arrays describing points molecular configurations, evaluates the metric at each point and
returns a list of metric values at those points.
points (list) :
A list of NumPy arrays describing molecular configurations.
metric_function (func) :
A Python function which gives the value of sqrt(2(E - V)) at a given point.
list :
A list of metric values at the corresponding points.
# Initialise the list to store metric values
metric = []
# For each point, compute the metric at that point
for point in points:
return metric
[docs]def norm(x, matrix):
""" Computes the value of sqrt(<x, matrix*x>).
x (numpy.array) :
A vector, stored as a NumPy array, to compute the norm for.
matrix (numpy.array) :
A matrix, stored as a NumPy array, used in the computation of <x, matrix*x>.
float :
The value of sqrt(<x, matrix*x>).
return math.sqrt(np.inner(x, matrix.dot(x)))
[docs]def norm_gradient(x, matrix):
""" Computes the gradient of sqrt(<x, matrix*x>).
x (numpy.array) :
A vector, stored as a NumPy array, to compute the norm for.
matrix (numpy.array) :
A matrix, stored as a NumPy array, used in the computation of <x, matrix*x>.
numpy.array :
The gradient of sqrt(<x, matrix*x>).
a = (matrix + matrix.transpose())
return a.dot(x) / (2 * norm(x, matrix))
[docs]def length(x, start_point, end_point, rotation_matrix, total_number_of_points, co_dimension, metric):
""" This function computes the length of the local geodesic as a function of shifts from the line joining
start_point to end_point. It also returns the gradient of this function for the L-BFGS method.
x (numpy.array) :
Array of vectors in co-dimension dimensional space, stacked flat. This vector characterises points of the
curve as translations from the line joining start_point to end_point.
start_point (numpy.array) :
The first end point of the curve.
end_point (numpy.array) :
The last end point of the curve.
rotation_matrix (numpy.array) :
A numpy.array describing the rotation from co_dimension + 1 dimensional space to the tangent space of the line
joining start_point to end_point.
total_number_of_points (int) :
The total number of points used in the local geodesic computation, including endpoints.
co_dimension (int) :
The dimension of the configuration space, less one.
metric (func) :
A Python function which when given a list of NumPy arrays, returns a list of metric values on those arrays.
float :
The approximate length of the geodesic.
numpy.array :
The gradient of the approximate length of the geodesic.
# Convert the shifts x into points in the full dimensional space
points = generate_points(x, start_point, end_point, rotation_matrix, total_number_of_points, co_dimension)
# Pre-compute the metric values to minimise repeated metric evaluations
a = compute_metric(points, metric)
# Compute quantities used to determine the length and gradient
n = np.subtract(points[1], points[0])
b = np.linalg.norm(n)
c = norm_gradient(n, np.eye(co_dimension+1, co_dimension+1))
u = (a[1][0]+a[0][0])
# Initialise the length with the trapezoidal approximation of the first line segments length
l = u * b
# Initialise a list to store the gradient
g = []
for i in xrange(1, len(points)-1):
# Compute the quantities needed for the next trapezoidal rule approximation.
n = np.subtract(points[i+1], points[i])
d = np.linalg.norm(n)
e = norm_gradient(n, np.eye(co_dimension+1, co_dimension+1))
v = (a[i+1][0]+a[i][0])
# Add length of line segment to total length
l += v * d
# Compute next gradient component and update gradient
g.append(rotation_matrix.transpose().dot(a[i][1] * (b + d) + u * c - v * e)[1:])
# Pass back calculated values for efficiency
b = d
c = e
u = v
return 0.5 * l, 0.5 * np.asarray(g).flatten()
[docs]def get_rotation(start_point, end_point, dimension):
""" Computes the transformation from dimension dimensional space to the tangent space of the line
joining start_point to end_point.
start_point (numpy.array) :
The first end point of the curve.
end_point (numpy.array) :
The last end point of the curve.
dimension (int) :
The dimension of the configuration space.
numpy.array :
The matrix representing the linear transformation from dimension dimensional space to the tangent space of
the line joining start_point to end_point.
# Compute tangent direction of line joining start and end points
tangent = np.subtract(end_point, start_point)
# Set the first column of our output matrix as tangent
mx = tangent
# Find the first non-zero entry of the tangent vector (exists as start and endpoints are different)
j = np.nonzero(mx)[0][0]
# For the remaining dim - 1 columns choose unit basis vectors of the form (0,...,0,1,0,...,0) with the nonzero entry
# not in position j.
for i in xrange(1, dimension):
if j != i:
e = np.zeros(dimension)
e[i] = 1
mx = np.vstack((mx, e))
mx = mx.transpose()
# With the resulting matrix, perform the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalisation procedure on the transpose of the matrix
# and return it.
m, n = np.shape(mx)
Q = np.zeros([m, n])
R = np.zeros([n, n])
v = np.zeros(m)
for j in range(n):
v[:] = mx[:,j]
for i in range(j):
r = np.dot(Q[:,i], mx[:,j]); R[i,j] = r
v[:] = v[:] - r*Q[:,i]
r = np.linalg.norm(v); R[j,j]= r
Q[:,j] = v[:]/r
return Q
[docs]def find_geodesic_midpoint(start_point, end_point, number_of_inner_points, dimension, node_number, metric, grad_metric):
""" This function computes the local geodesic curve joining start_point to end_point using the L-BFGS method.
start_point (numpy.array) :
The first end point of the curve.
end_point (numpy.array) :
The last end point of the curve.
number_of_inner_points (int) :
The number of nodes along the curve, less the end points.
dimension (int) :
The dimension of the problem. Computed from the atomistic simulation environment.
node_number (int) :
The node number for which we are calculating a new position for.
metric (func) :
A Python function taking a single vector argument the same dimension as the start point.
grad_metric (func) :
A Python function taking a single vector argument the same dimension as the start point. Returning a vector
the same length as it's argument.
numpy.array :
The midpoint along the approximate local geodesic curve.
# Define a function that returns sqrt(2(E-V)) and it's gradient based on a given configuration
def metric_and_metric_grad(point):
# Return sqrt(2(E-V)) and it's gradient
return [metric(point), grad_metric(point)]
Q = get_rotation(start_point, end_point, dimension)
# Perform the L-BFGS method on the length functional
geodesic, f_min, detail = fmin_l_bfgs_b(func=length, x0=np.zeros(number_of_inner_points*(dimension-1)),
args=(start_point, end_point, Q, number_of_inner_points+2,
dimension-1, metric_and_metric_grad,))
# If something went wrong with the L-BFGS algorithm print an error message for the end user
if detail['warnflag'] != 0:
print 'BFGS Warning:' + detail['task']
# Convert the obtained geodesic from it's shift description to the full point description
points = np.reshape(generate_points(geodesic, start_point, end_point, Q, number_of_inner_points+2, dimension-1),
(number_of_inner_points+2, dimension))
# Compute the midpoint
if number_of_inner_points % 2 == 1:
# If there is an odd number of inner points then return the middle element of the array
midpoint = points[(number_of_inner_points + 1) / 2]
# If there is an even number of inner points return the midpoint of the two middle points - this prevents
# artificial movement of the curve due to the algorithm.
midpoint = 0.5 * (points[number_of_inner_points / 2] + points[(number_of_inner_points / 2) + 1])
# Return the node number and new midpoint
return [node_number, midpoint]
[docs]def compute_geodesic(curve_obj, local_num_nodes, tol, metric, grad_metric, processes=1):
""" This function creates a new task to compute a geodesic midpoint and submits it to the worker pool.
curve_obj (curve) :
A GeometricMD curve object describing the initial trajectory between start and end configurations.
local_num_nodes (int) :
The number of points to use when computing the local geodesics.
tol (float) :
The tolerance by which if the total curve movement falls below this number then the Birkhoff method stops.
metric (func) :
A Python function taking a single vector argument the same dimension as the start point.
processes (optional, int) :
The number of processes to parallelise the task over.
# Determine the dimension of the Hamiltonian system
dimension = len(curve_obj.get_points()[0])
# If the user intends to use the algorithm on one core then...
if processes == 1:
# Main loop of the Birkhoff algorithm, continues until curve.movement < tol then breaks out
while True:
# Iterating over each node in the trajectory find a new position based on the geodesic midpoint
# joining it's neighbours
for node_number in curve_obj:
curve_obj.set_node_position(node_number, find_geodesic_midpoint(curve_obj.points[node_number - 1],
curve_obj.points[node_number + 1],
# If the movement of the curve is below the tol threshold then exit the main loop
if curve_obj.movement < tol:
# Indicate that the next iteration is to be completed
# Otherwise the user has indicated they would like to perform a parallel computation...
# Create a callback function that updates the node position once it is calculated
def update_curve(result):
curve_obj.set_node_position(result[0], result[1])
# Create a pool of worker processes to work in parallel
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes)
# Main loop of the Birkhoff algorithm, continues until curve.movement < tol then breaks out
while True:
# Iterating over each node in the trajectory create a task to find a new position based on the
# geodesic midpoint joining it's neighbours. Add this task to the pool queue.
for node_number in curve_obj:
args=(curve_obj.points[node_number - 1], curve_obj.points[node_number + 1],
local_num_nodes, dimension, node_number, metric, grad_metric),
# If all the nodes in the trajectory have been moved...
if curve_obj.all_nodes_moved():
# If the movement of the curve is below the tol threshold then exit the main loop
if curve_obj.movement < tol:
# Indicate that the next iteration is to be completed
# Once the algorithm has executed close the pool